Category Archives: Out and About

Semi Permanent 2010 Part 1

Meanwhile went to Semi Perm 2010 a designer convention with 12 speakers spanning over 2 days.


the two who brought it over to melbourne from sydney

First up we got Timba Smits creator of Wooden Toy & Music and Lyrics

The logo which is synonymous with him 

And later by Framestore from Europe doing Visual Effects which you can see from Batman The Dark Knight and recently for those who had seen the game trailer from DJ Hero. Talk by Martin Aufinger & Simon French.

Sylvia Ji a Fine Art artist from Los Angeles which main works revolves around the use of the female figure and the medium of plywood as a canvas.

Some of her Works

Big Active a Creative Agency from London well known in the music industry for creating awesome music covers. Talk given by the man himself Gerald Saint

The agency first namecard

Following up Akin Creative known for doing fashion retail architecture project in Australia such as Sass and Bide, Belinda and The Corner Shop, Nudie Jeans, Ksubi & Bassike to name a few. Speaker is the founder himself Kelvin Ho

The Akin Creative studio client projects

a short list of clients they got.

Nudie Jeans

Lastly for today Buck a motion graphics studio from the big apple doing various clients from advertising, retail, film and entertainment to name a few they dabble in. Speaker Orion Tait.

Just by attending day one, I was left with various inspiration alternatives as to how to go on applying ideas that i have been contemplating while doing my projects. Especially the talk from Timba Smits as my major project is of similar approach as to how he does Wooden Toy. Along with various speakers explaining the methodology of how they work towards each end piece of their work.

Wait for it … Semi-Permanent tix!

The team is going to Semi-Permanent this year! We are totally psyched!

We should check out this exhibition on the 17th!

Photography Day: Graffiti Heaven

For Thinking Thursday this week I took the team out on a photography day in the city. First stop was St. Ali’s; a charming coffee shop tucked away in an alleyway along Clarendon Street, South Melbourne. The team enjoyed a hearty meal at the coffee shop and we began our adventures around the city in search of some of Melbourne’s best graffiti laneways. We photographed around St. Ali’s, Hosier Lane, ACDC Lane, Union Lane, and Franklin St. Here are some of the photos from the day:

St. Ali's delicious coffee

Epic graffiti outside St. Ali's

The Team @ Hosier Lane

Geraldine's Modeling Shot

Drewfunk's awesome dragon-

(Will post polaroid photos here soon)

Despite Melbourne’s rainy unpredictable weather, the team managed to have a good time and we stumbled across a lot of new graffiti and learnt/improved our photography skills! Rock on Team Meanwhile!

❤ Stephy

Meanwhile @ Open Studios (Nicholas Building)

For my Thinking Thursdays brief, I brought the team to the Open Studios at Nicholas Building. It was a rare opportunity for us to experience and look behind the scenes of Melbourne’s Art and Craft culture.

Open Studios @ Nicholas Building

We walked up nine flights of stairs, wandering in and out of studios, taking a look at some wonderful handmade jewellery and art. What an array of designers we saw and met. Artists, jewellery designers, printmakers, crafters, textile designers, etc. We were also very lucky to indulge in the yummy finger food, as Meanwhilers are always craving for food!

Japanese Textiles

Chilling at Bec's Studio

Part of Bec's Studio

Though the Nicholas building was a little creepy as lights were dim, and the building is heritage, I loved the charming architecture. There was so much to be inspired by, and get motivated as we walked into every opened doors. My mind was on overload, as we enjoyed time stealing a glance into all the creative workspaces.

Look what we found: Melbourne's Sherlock Holmes!

Ended the day with hot choco/chai @ Journal Cafe

Love going out & about with the team, we never fail to have an awesome day out!



Thinking Thursday

Every Thursday one studio member has to prepare an event. Organize by Craft Victoria, An exhibition that invites us to consider the relationship between craft and the terrain of ‘childhood’ – both as a memory buried deep in all of us and as a field of creative play.

Above photos are taken @ the exhibition Playing Field containing artworks from various artist.

Awesome piece of artwork. Remember as a kid i used to play under my blanket imaging it was a cave and stuff.

Above photos were taken at I‘ll Show You My Craft If You Show Me Yours 1 a series of exhibition that will have a new artist approx every 2 weeks showcasing their works. Above are art by Alexander Ouchtomsky and Aimee Fairman.

Have also created a mini sketchbook containing basic shapes, objects for everyone in the studio to draw and doodle using those as part of their design, each sketchbook will be unique as it is an embodiment of their individuality.

p.s will upload them moment they filled it up. =^)